
I have not seen anything like it before,

I have not seen anything like it before, but it appears to be useful and a good method to rate a teams motivation to win.The sixth and seventh PDF files are an NFL Betting System built NIKE FREE TILBUD,and used by the author in his own business, and a chart that shows the NFL Stadiums in 2009. I think it says a lot about the character of the operator. It is short at only three pages.That is covered in more detail Chaussures Lacoste Femme in the third PDF, simply called DIY Sports Betting. Similar requests to the Sports Betting Champ (and Professor) were ignored.Before I get into the contents of it, I wanted to comment on the web page. People are starting to talk, but not many, if any, actual customers have reviewed it. Everything is covered about getting set up. DIY Sports Betting burst on the scene just months ago without much of splash. I don't usually talk about a sales page in a product review, but it deserves a mention for what it doesn't try to do to you.Now on to the contents. It is a chart you can fill out to give each team a motivation score. Right off the bat it shows a confidence in the product. It also goes into the other areas of a sports betting business such as money management. It is a brief outline of how to build a handicapping system. The charts are for the NBA and NFL. But not enough to be a bother, and in fact it is a convenience since you never have to jump back and forth between books.The fourth PDF file is called the Book of Charts. He claims to use these same charts for his own betting.The fifth PDF file is called the Motivation Factor Chart. Mainly just speculation based on the sales page from people who really don't know.I asked the author for a copy for review, and he was nice enough to give me a free copy. It is six pages long and nothing but words so the information is tightly packed. There are no promises, just an offer. The information is useful and well presented. It is still hard to find a lot of useful information about what it is and what it does outside of it's own web site.Lately there has been a growing buzz about it. It has several charts of winning percentages based on status and point spreads. In that regards, some of the information is the same in more than one place. No super low limited time introductory price, just a fair price and it will not change.All in all, the sales page is everything you are not supposed to put on one if you want to manipulate the readers into an emotional response they will later regret. No hype, just the details of the offer. It is 33 pages of everything on how to build a handicapping system that is both simple and effective. It keeps you focused on Nike Air Max 90 Femme reality by showing you how to start small and build it up as you go along. Money management is also discussed so you can have full control from day one.The second PDF file is called A Step By Step Guide To Building Your Own Sports Betting System. From how to maximize your dealings with books to testing them for payment reliability. It is useful for turf information needed by the betting system.As for the Private Folder, I can't tell you anything at all because it is private.All in all, DIY Sports Betting is without a doubt the most complete product on sports betting I have ever seen. When you open the downloaded folder, there are 7 PDF files and another folder marked Private Folder.The first PDF is called How To Set Up A Sports Betting Business. There is a sincere focus on setting the proper expectations for the sports bettor.See it for yourselfhttp://www.diysportsbetting.com.

